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KOBIDO® Online Training

with the 26th Generation Grandmaster of Kobido

Welcome to Kobido Level 1 Training

Online Video Training with The 26th Generation Grandmaster of Kobido, Tokyo, Japan.

Login Problems?

If you have login problems, here is how to fix it:

  • Please make sure to login with the same email address linked to your PayPal account because video trainings are connected to your PayPal address.

  • Please make sure your name is appearing on top of the page (meaning you are logged in) then you should be able to watch the videos.

  • If you still have problems, please contact us at (both english and french available)

Level 1 - New 2025 Edition Video: all 30 techniques are available now!!

Level 1 - Section 4 Connection, 2025 edition videos will be available late May 2025.

Zoom Interactive Training with Grandmaster

Zoom Level 1 will be announced soon.

KOBIDO® Level 1: Primary Technique 1 ~ 15

KOBIDO® Level 1:  Primary Technique 1 ~ 15
Introduction to Kobido "Primary Techniques"

Introduction to Kobido "Primary Techniques"

Technique 1: Willow-Brush Under the Mandible

Technique 1: Willow-Brush Under the Mandible

Technique 2: Willow-Brush Along the Mandible

Technique 2: Willow-Brush Along the Mandible

Technique 3: Melting-Stroke from the Forehead to the Chin

Technique 3: Melting-Stroke from the Forehead to the Chin

Technique 4: Combination of the Techniques 1 and 3

Technique 4: Combination of the Techniques 1 and 3

Technique 5: Combination of the Techniques 2 and 3

Technique 5: Combination of the Techniques 2 and 3

Technique 6: Circular-Squeeze Around the Eyes (Part 1)

Technique 6: Circular-Squeeze Around the Eyes (Part 1)

Technique 7: Circular-Squeeze Around the Eyes (Part 2)

Technique 7: Circular-Squeeze Around the Eyes (Part 2)

Technique 8: Circular-Squeeze Around the Eyes

Technique 8: Circular-Squeeze Around the Eyes

Technique 9: Alternating Melting-Stroke

Technique 9: Alternating Melting-Stroke

Technique 10: Paddle-Lift on the Sides of the Face

Technique 10: Paddle-Lift on the Sides of the Face

Technique 11: Paddle-Lift on the Sides of the Temple

Technique 11: Paddle-Lift on the Sides of the Temple

Technique 12: Paddle-Lift From the Chin to the Forehead

Technique 12: Paddle-Lift From the Chin to the Forehead

Technique 13: Circular-Floating Technique Around the Eyes

Technique 13: Circular-Floating Technique Around the Eyes

Technique 14: Circular-Floating Technique with One Finger

Technique 14: Circular-Floating Technique with One Finger

Technique 15: Circular-Floating Technique Around the Face

Technique 15: Circular-Floating Technique Around the Face

🇬🇧 Level 1Kobido Primary Techniques: Technique 1 ~ 15
16 Training Videos: (Total Training
2 hour 5 Minutes)

KOBIDO® Level 1: Techniques for the T-zone: Techniques 16 ~ 30

KOBIDO® Level 1:  Techniques for the T-zone: Techniques 16 ~ 30
Introduction to Kobido "T-Zone Techniques"

Introduction to Kobido "T-Zone Techniques"

Technique 16: Rolling Willow-Brush Over the Chin

Technique 16: Rolling Willow-Brush Over the Chin

Technique 17: V-Support Against the Lower Lip

Technique 17: V-Support Against the Lower Lip

Technique 18: Feather-Stroke Above the Lip

Technique 18: Feather-Stroke Above the Lip

Technique 19: Willow-Brush on the Sides of the Mouth

Technique 19: Willow-Brush on the Sides of the Mouth

Technique 20: V-Support on the Sides of the Mouth

Technique 20: V-Support on the Sides of the Mouth

Technique 21: Glide-The-Crease Along the Nose

Technique 21: Glide-The-Crease Along the Nose

Technique 22: Push-N-Pull Over the Nasal Bone

Technique 22: Push-N-Pull Over the Nasal Bone

Technique 23: Cross-Pushing Over the Spine of the Nose

Technique 23: Cross-Pushing Over the Spine of the Nose

Technique 24: Circular-Floating on the Sides of the Nose

Technique 24: Circular-Floating on the Sides of the Nose

Technique 25: Glide-The-Crease Along the Edge of the Nares

Technique 25: Glide-The-Crease Along the Edge of the Nares

Technique 26: Scoop-Up Between the Eyebrows

Technique 26: Scoop-Up Between the Eyebrows

Technique 27: Fascial-Release Between the Eyebrows

Technique 27: Fascial-Release Between the Eyebrows

Technique 28: Brows-Aligning Stroke

Technique 28: Brows-Aligning Stroke

Technique 29: Horizontal Paddle-Lift Over the Forehead

Technique 29: Horizontal Paddle-Lift Over the Forehead

Technique 30: Paddle-Lift Over the Forehead

Technique 30: Paddle-Lift Over the Forehead

🇬🇧 Level 1: Kobido T-Zone Techniques: Technique 16 ~ 30
16 Training Videos: (Total Training
2 hour 35 Minutes)

KOBIDO® Level 1: How to Connect All Level 1 Techniques

KOBIDO® Level 1: How to Connect All Level 1 Techniques
Introduction to "How to Connect Level 1 Techniques"

Introduction to "How to Connect Level 1 Techniques"

Connection 1: How to Combine Techniques 1 through 5

Connection 1: How to Combine Techniques 1 through 5

Connection 2: How to Combine Techniques 4, 5 and 8

Connection 2: How to Combine Techniques 4, 5 and 8

Connection 3: How to Transition from Techniques 3 to 9

Connection 3: How to Transition from Techniques 3 to 9

Connection 4: How to Transition from Techniques 9 to 12

Connection 4: How to Transition from Techniques 9 to 12

Connection 5: How to Transition from Techniques 12, 3 to 1

Connection 5: How to Transition from Techniques 12, 3 to 1

Connection 6: How to Transition from Techniques 2 or 20 to 13

Connection 6: How to Transition from Techniques 2 or 20 to 13

Connection 7: How to Transition from Techniques 13 to 3

Connection 7: How to Transition from Techniques 13 to 3

Connection 8: Combination of Techniques 2, 12, 3 then 2

Connection 8: Combination of Techniques 2, 12, 3 then 2

Connection 9: Combination of Techniques 2, 13, 3 then 2

Connection 9: Combination of Techniques 2, 13, 3 then 2

Connection 10: Combination of Techniques 2, 13, 8, 3 then 2

Connection 10: Combination of Techniques 2, 13, 8, 3 then 2

Connection 11: Combination of Techniques 2, 13, 21, 12, 3 then 2

Connection 11: Combination of Techniques 2, 13, 21, 12, 3 then 2

Connection 12: Create Smooth Transitions for All Primary Techniques

Connection 12: Create Smooth Transitions for All Primary Techniques

Connection 13: How to Combine Techniques 16 through 20

Connection 13: How to Combine Techniques 16 through 20

Connection 14: How to Combine Techniques 21 through 25

Connection 14: How to Combine Techniques 21 through 25

Connection 15: How to Combine Techniques 26 through 28

Connection 15: How to Combine Techniques 26 through 28

Connection 16: How to Combine Techniques 16 through 28

Connection 16: How to Combine Techniques 16 through 28

Connection 17: How to Combine Techniques 29 and 30

Connection 17: How to Combine Techniques 29 and 30

Connection 18: How to Combine All Techniques of Level 1

Connection 18: How to Combine All Techniques of Level 1

Conclusion of the Level 1 Training

Conclusion of the Level 1 Training

🇬🇧 Level 1, How to Connect All level 1 Techniques
20 Training Videos: (Total Training2 hour 16 Minutes)

Bienvenue à la Formation de Niveau 1

Problème de connexion ?

Si vous avez des problèmes de connexion, voici comment les résoudre :​​
  • Veuillez vous assurer de vous connecter avec la même adresse e-mail liée à votre compte PayPal, car les formations vidéo sont associées à votre adresse PayPal.
  • Vérifiez que votre nom apparaît en haut de la page (ce qui signifie que vous êtes connecté), puis vous devriez pouvoir regarder les vidéos.
  • Si vous avez encore des problèmes, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse (disponible en anglais et en français).

Les vidéos de l'édition 2025 vont être disponibles prochainement.

Zoom training
Sessions ZOOM avec le Grand maître

Programmation à venir.

KOBIDO® Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base du Kobido 1 ~ 15

KOBIDO® Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base du Kobido 1 ~ 15
Introduction aux "Techniques de Base" du Kobido

Introduction aux "Techniques de Base" du Kobido

Technique 1 : La Main du Saule Sous la Mandibule

Technique 1 : La Main du Saule Sous la Mandibule

Technique 2 : La Main du Saule le Long de la Mandibule

Technique 2 : La Main du Saule le Long de la Mandibule

Technique 3 : Effleurage “Fondant” du Front vers le Menton

Technique 3 : Effleurage “Fondant” du Front vers le Menton

🇫🇷 Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base du Kobido: Technique 1 ~ 15
16 Vidéos d'explication : (Durée Totale 3 Heures 35 Minutes)

KOBIDO® Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base pour la Zone T 16 ~ 30

KOBIDO® Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base pour la Zone T 16 ~ 30
Introduction aux techniques de la Zone T

Introduction aux techniques de la Zone T

Technique 16 : La Main du Saule Roulant sur le Menton

Technique 16 : La Main du Saule Roulant sur le Menton

Technique 17 : La Branche Fourchue Contre la Lèvre Inférieure

Technique 17 : La Branche Fourchue Contre la Lèvre Inférieure

Technique 18 : Effleurage Plume Au-Dessus de la Lèvre

Technique 18 : Effleurage Plume Au-Dessus de la Lèvre

🇫🇷 Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base pour la Zone T: Technique 16 ~ 30
16 Vidéos d'explication : (Durée Totale 3 Heures 35 Minutes) 

KOBIDO® Niveau 1: Comment combiner toutes les Techniques de Niveau 1

KOBIDO® Niveau 1: Comment combiner toutes les Techniques de Niveau 1
Conclusion du Niveau 1

Conclusion du Niveau 1

Connexion 1 : Comment Combiner les Techniques 1 à 5

Connexion 1 : Comment Combiner les Techniques 1 à 5

Connexion 2 : Comment Combiner les Techniques 4, 5 et 8

Connexion 2 : Comment Combiner les Techniques 4, 5 et 8

Introduction à "Comment combiner toutes les Techniques de Niveau 1"

Introduction à "Comment combiner toutes les Techniques de Niveau 1"

🇫🇷 Niveau 1 : Comment combiner toutes les Techniques de Niveau 1
1 Vidéo d'explication : (Durée Totale : 0 Heures 5 Minutes) 

Benvenuti al Livello 1 della Formazione Kobido

Problemi di Accesso?

Se sta avendo problemi con l'accesso, ecco come risolverli:

  • Si assicuri di eseguire l'accesso con lo stesso indirizzo e-mail del suo account di PayPal, dato che la formazione video è collegata al suo indirizzo di PayPal.

  • Una volta assicurato che il suo nome appare in cima alla pagina (indicando che l'accesso è andato a buon fine), dovrebbe essere in grado di visualizzare i video.

  • Se continua ad avere problemi, la preghiamo di contattarci all'indirizzo (l'assistenza è disponibile in italiano, francese e inglese),

Livello 1 - Nuova Edizione 2025: Le Tecniche da 1 a 20 saranno disponibili a fine gennaio!!

Livello 1 - Edizione 2025 dei Video: Le Tecniche da 21 a 30 sono previste per la fine di Aprile 2025. Grazie. 

Formazione Interattiva su Zoom con il Gran Maestro

Livello 1 su Zoom: DA ANNUNCIARSI IN PRIMAVERA 2025​

KOBIDO® Livello 1: le Tecniche Primarie Kobido 1 ~ 15

KOBIDO® Livello 1: le Tecniche Primarie Kobido 1 ~ 15
Introduzione alle "Tecniche Primarie" Kobido

Introduzione alle "Tecniche Primarie" Kobido

Tecnica 1: Sfioramento Del Salice Sotto La Mandibola

Tecnica 1: Sfioramento Del Salice Sotto La Mandibola

Tecnica 2: Sfioramento Del Salice Lungo La Mandibola

Tecnica 2: Sfioramento Del Salice Lungo La Mandibola

Tecnica 3: Sfioramento Che Fonde dalla Fronte al Mento

Tecnica 3: Sfioramento Che Fonde dalla Fronte al Mento

🇮🇹 Livello 1: Tecniche Base di Kobido: Tecniche 1 ~ 15

KOBIDO® Livello 1: Tecniche Base per la Zona-T 16 ~ 30

KOBIDO® Livello 1: Tecniche Base per la Zona-T 16 ~ 30
Introduzione alle "Tecniche Kobido per la Zona-T"

Introduzione alle "Tecniche Kobido per la Zona-T"

Tecnica 16: Sfioramento del Salice con Movimento Rotatorio sul Mento

Tecnica 16: Sfioramento del Salice con Movimento Rotatorio sul Mento

Tecnica 17: Supporto-V Contro il Labbro Inferiore

Tecnica 17: Supporto-V Contro il Labbro Inferiore

Tecnica 18: Sfioramento Piuma sul Labbro Superiore

Tecnica 18: Sfioramento Piuma sul Labbro Superiore

🇮🇹 Livello 1: Tecniche Base di Kobido: Tecniche 16 ~ 30

KOBIDO® Livello 1: Come Combinare Tutte le Tecniche del Livello 1

KOBIDO® Livello 1: Come Combinare Tutte le Tecniche del Livello 1
Introduzione a "Come Combinare le Tecniche di Livello 1"

Introduzione a "Come Combinare le Tecniche di Livello 1"

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Connessione 1: Come Combinare le Tecniche dalla 1 alla 5

Connessione 1: Come Combinare le Tecniche dalla 1 alla 5

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Connessione 2: Come Combinare le Tecniche 4, 5 e 8

Connessione 2: Come Combinare le Tecniche 4, 5 e 8

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Connessione 3: Come Passare dalla Tecnica 3 alla 9

Connessione 3: Come Passare dalla Tecnica 3 alla 9

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🇮🇹 Livello 1: Come Combinar Tutte le Techniche del Livello 1

Bienvenidos a la Formación de Nivel 1

¿Problemas con el Acceso?

Si tiene problemas con el acceso, aquí le mostramos cómo solucionarlos:

  • Asegúrese de iniciar sesión con la misma dirección de correo electrónico de su cuenta de PayPal, ya que la formación en video está vinculada a su dirección de PayPal.

  • Una vez verificado que su nombre aparece en la parte superior de la página (lo que indica que el acceso ha sido exitoso), debería poder ver los videos.

  • Si continúa teniendo problemas, por favor contáctenos a la dirección (el soporte está disponible en italiano, español, francés e inglés).

KOBIDO® Nivel 1: Técnicas Primarias de Kobido 1 ~ 15

KOBIDO® Nivel 1: Técnicas Primarias de Kobido 1 ~ 15
Introducción a las "Técnicas Primarias" Kobido

Introducción a las "Técnicas Primarias" Kobido

Técnica 1: Cepillado-Sauce Llorón Debajo de la Mandíbula

Técnica 1: Cepillado-Sauce Llorón Debajo de la Mandíbula

Técnica 2: Cepillado-Sauce Llorón a lo Largo de la Mandíbula

Técnica 2: Cepillado-Sauce Llorón a lo Largo de la Mandíbula

Técnica 3: Masaje Derretido Desde la Frente Hacia al Mentón

Técnica 3: Masaje Derretido Desde la Frente Hacia al Mentón

🇪🇸 Nivel 1: Técnicas Primarias de Kobido: Técnica 1~ 15

KOBIDO® Nivel 1: Técnicas Básicas para la Zona T 16 ~ 30

KOBIDO® Nivel 1: Técnicas Básicas para la Zona T 16 ~ 30
Introduzione alle "Tecniche Kobido per la Zona-T"

Introduzione alle "Tecniche Kobido per la Zona-T"

Técnica 16: Cepillado-Sauce Llorón Rodante Sobre el Mentón

Técnica 16: Cepillado-Sauce Llorón Rodante Sobre el Mentón

Técnica 17: Soporte-V Contra el Labio Inferior

Técnica 17: Soporte-V Contra el Labio Inferior

Técnica 18: Masaje-Pluma por Encima de los Labios

Técnica 18: Masaje-Pluma por Encima de los Labios

🇪🇸 Nivel 1: Técnicas Básicas para la Zona T: Técnicas 16 ~ 30

KOBIDO® Nivel 1: Cómo Combinar Todas las Técnicas del Nivel 1

KOBIDO® Nivel 1: Cómo Combinar Todas las Técnicas del Nivel 1
Introducción a "Cómo Combinar las Técnicas de Nivel 1"

Introducción a "Cómo Combinar las Técnicas de Nivel 1"

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Conexión 1: Cómo Combinar las Técnicas de la 1 a la 5

Conexión 1: Cómo Combinar las Técnicas de la 1 a la 5

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Conexión 2: Cómo Combinar las Técnicas 4, 5 y 8

Conexión 2: Cómo Combinar las Técnicas 4, 5 y 8

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Conexión 3: Cómo Pasar de la Técnica 3 a la 9

Conexión 3: Cómo Pasar de la Técnica 3 a la 9

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🇪🇸 Nivel 1: Cómo Combinar Todas las Técnicas del Nivel 1
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