KOBIDO® Online Training
with the 26th Generation Grandmaster of Kobido
Welcome to Kobido Level 1 Training
Online Video Training with The 26th Generation Grandmaster of Kobido, Tokyo, Japan.
Login Problems?
If you have login problems, here is how to fix it:
Please make sure to login with the same email address linked to your PayPal account because video trainings are connected to your PayPal address.
Please make sure your name is appearing on top of the page (meaning you are logged in) then you should be able to watch the videos.
If you still have problems, please contact us at info@kobido.com (both english and french available)
Level 1 - New 2025 Edition Video: all 30 techniques are available now!!
Level 1 - Section 4 Connection, 2025 edition videos will be available late May 2025.

Zoom Interactive Training with Grandmaster
Zoom Level 1 will be announced soon.
KOBIDO® Level 1: Primary Technique 1 ~ 15

Introduction to Kobido "Primary Techniques"

Technique 1: Willow-Brush Under the Mandible

Technique 2: Willow-Brush Along the Mandible

Technique 3: Melting-Stroke from the Forehead to the Chin

Technique 4: Combination of the Techniques 1 and 3

Technique 5: Combination of the Techniques 2 and 3

Technique 6: Circular-Squeeze Around the Eyes (Part 1)

Technique 7: Circular-Squeeze Around the Eyes (Part 2)

Technique 8: Circular-Squeeze Around the Eyes

Technique 9: Alternating Melting-Stroke

Technique 10: Paddle-Lift on the Sides of the Face

Technique 11: Paddle-Lift on the Sides of the Temple

Technique 12: Paddle-Lift From the Chin to the Forehead

Technique 13: Circular-Floating Technique Around the Eyes

Technique 14: Circular-Floating Technique with One Finger

Technique 15: Circular-Floating Technique Around the Face
🇬🇧 Level 1: Kobido Primary Techniques: Technique 1 ~ 15
16 Training Videos: (Total Training: 2 hour 5 Minutes)
KOBIDO® Level 1: Techniques for the T-zone: Techniques 16 ~ 30

Introduction to Kobido "T-Zone Techniques"

Technique 16: Rolling Willow-Brush Over the Chin

Technique 17: V-Support Against the Lower Lip

Technique 18: Feather-Stroke Above the Lip

Technique 19: Willow-Brush on the Sides of the Mouth

Technique 20: V-Support on the Sides of the Mouth

Technique 21: Glide-The-Crease Along the Nose

Technique 22: Push-N-Pull Over the Nasal Bone

Technique 23: Cross-Pushing Over the Spine of the Nose

Technique 24: Circular-Floating on the Sides of the Nose

Technique 25: Glide-The-Crease Along the Edge of the Nares

Technique 26: Scoop-Up Between the Eyebrows

Technique 27: Fascial-Release Between the Eyebrows

Technique 28: Brows-Aligning Stroke

Technique 29: Horizontal Paddle-Lift Over the Forehead

Technique 30: Paddle-Lift Over the Forehead
🇬🇧 Level 1: Kobido T-Zone Techniques: Technique 16 ~ 30
16 Training Videos: (Total Training: 2 hour 35 Minutes)
KOBIDO® Level 1: How to Connect All Level 1 Techniques

Introduction to "How to Connect Level 1 Techniques"

Connection 1: How to Combine Techniques 1 through 5

Connection 2: How to Combine Techniques 4, 5 and 8

Connection 3: How to Transition from Techniques 3 to 9

Connection 4: How to Transition from Techniques 9 to 12

Connection 5: How to Transition from Techniques 12, 3 to 1

Connection 6: How to Transition from Techniques 2 or 20 to 13

Connection 7: How to Transition from Techniques 13 to 3

Connection 8: Combination of Techniques 2, 12, 3 then 2

Connection 9: Combination of Techniques 2, 13, 3 then 2

Connection 10: Combination of Techniques 2, 13, 8, 3 then 2

Connection 11: Combination of Techniques 2, 13, 21, 12, 3 then 2

Connection 12: Create Smooth Transitions for All Primary Techniques

Connection 13: How to Combine Techniques 16 through 20

Connection 14: How to Combine Techniques 21 through 25

Connection 15: How to Combine Techniques 26 through 28

Connection 16: How to Combine Techniques 16 through 28

Connection 17: How to Combine Techniques 29 and 30

Connection 18: How to Combine All Techniques of Level 1

Conclusion of the Level 1 Training
🇬🇧 Level 1, How to Connect All level 1 Techniques
20 Training Videos: (Total Training: 2 hour 16 Minutes)
Bienvenue à la Formation de Niveau 1
Problème de connexion ?
Si vous avez des problèmes de connexion, voici comment les résoudre :
Veuillez vous assurer de vous connecter avec la même adresse e-mail liée à votre compte PayPal, car les formations vidéo sont associées à votre adresse PayPal.
Vérifiez que votre nom apparaît en haut de la page (ce qui signifie que vous êtes connecté), puis vous devriez pouvoir regarder les vidéos.
Si vous avez encore des problèmes, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse info@kobido.com (disponible en anglais et en français).
Les vidéos de l'édition 2025 vont être disponibles prochainement.

Sessions ZOOM avec le Grand maître
Programmation à venir.
KOBIDO® Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base du Kobido 1 ~ 15

Introduction aux "Techniques de Base" du Kobido

Technique 1 : La Main du Saule Sous la Mandibule

Technique 2 : La Main du Saule le Long de la Mandibule

Technique 3 : Effleurage “Fondant” du Front vers le Menton
🇫🇷 Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base du Kobido: Technique 1 ~ 15
16 Vidéos d'explication : (Durée Totale : 3 Heures 35 Minutes)
KOBIDO® Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base pour la Zone T 16 ~ 30

Introduction aux techniques de la Zone T

Technique 16 : La Main du Saule Roulant sur le Menton

Technique 17 : La Branche Fourchue Contre la Lèvre Inférieure

Technique 18 : Effleurage Plume Au-Dessus de la Lèvre
🇫🇷 Niveau 1 : Techniques de Base pour la Zone T: Technique 16 ~ 30
16 Vidéos d'explication : (Durée Totale : 3 Heures 35 Minutes)
KOBIDO® Niveau 1: Comment combiner toutes les Techniques de Niveau 1

Conclusion du Niveau 1

Connexion 1 : Comment Combiner les Techniques 1 à 5

Connexion 2 : Comment Combiner les Techniques 4, 5 et 8

Introduction à "Comment combiner toutes les Techniques de Niveau 1"
🇫🇷 Niveau 1 : Comment combiner toutes les Techniques de Niveau 1
1 Vidéo d'explication : (Durée Totale : 0 Heures 5 Minutes)
Benvenuti al Livello 1 della Formazione Kobido
Problemi di Accesso?
Se sta avendo problemi con l'accesso, ecco come risolverli:
Si assicuri di eseguire l'accesso con lo stesso indirizzo e-mail del suo account di PayPal, dato che la formazione video è collegata al suo indirizzo di PayPal.
Una volta assicurato che il suo nome appare in cima alla pagina (indicando che l'accesso è andato a buon fine), dovrebbe essere in grado di visualizzare i video.
Se continua ad avere problemi, la preghiamo di contattarci all'indirizzo info@kobido.com (l'assistenza è disponibile in italiano, francese e inglese),
Livello 1 - Nuova Edizione 2025: Le Tecniche da 1 a 20 saranno disponibili a fine gennaio!!
Livello 1 - Edizione 2025 dei Video: Le Tecniche da 21 a 30 sono previste per la fine di Aprile 2025. Grazie.

Formazione Interattiva su Zoom con il Gran Maestro
KOBIDO® Livello 1: le Tecniche Primarie Kobido 1 ~ 15

Introduzione alle "Tecniche Primarie" Kobido

Tecnica 1: Sfioramento Del Salice Sotto La Mandibola

Tecnica 2: Sfioramento Del Salice Lungo La Mandibola

Tecnica 3: Sfioramento Che Fonde dalla Fronte al Mento
🇮🇹 Livello 1: Tecniche Base di Kobido: Tecniche 1 ~ 15
KOBIDO® Livello 1: Tecniche Base per la Zona-T 16 ~ 30

Introduzione alle "Tecniche Kobido per la Zona-T"

Tecnica 16: Sfioramento del Salice con Movimento Rotatorio sul Mento

Tecnica 17: Supporto-V Contro il Labbro Inferiore

Tecnica 18: Sfioramento Piuma sul Labbro Superiore
🇮🇹 Livello 1: Tecniche Base di Kobido: Tecniche 16 ~ 30
KOBIDO® Livello 1: Come Combinare Tutte le Tecniche del Livello 1

Introduzione a "Come Combinare le Tecniche di Livello 1"

Connessione 1: Come Combinare le Tecniche dalla 1 alla 5

Connessione 2: Come Combinare le Tecniche 4, 5 e 8

Connessione 3: Come Passare dalla Tecnica 3 alla 9
🇮🇹 Livello 1: Come Combinar Tutte le Techniche del Livello 1
Bienvenidos a la Formación de Nivel 1
¿Problemas con el Acceso?
Si tiene problemas con el acceso, aquí le mostramos cómo solucionarlos:
Asegúrese de iniciar sesión con la misma dirección de correo electrónico de su cuenta de PayPal, ya que la formación en video está vinculada a su dirección de PayPal.
Una vez verificado que su nombre aparece en la parte superior de la página (lo que indica que el acceso ha sido exitoso), debería poder ver los videos.
Si continúa teniendo problemas, por favor contáctenos a la dirección info@kobido.com (el soporte está disponible en italiano, español, francés e inglés).
KOBIDO® Nivel 1: Técnicas Primarias de Kobido 1 ~ 15

Introducción a las "Técnicas Primarias" Kobido

Técnica 1: Cepillado-Sauce Llorón Debajo de la Mandíbula

Técnica 2: Cepillado-Sauce Llorón a lo Largo de la Mandíbula

Técnica 3: Masaje Derretido Desde la Frente Hacia al Mentón
🇪🇸 Nivel 1: Técnicas Primarias de Kobido: Técnica 1~ 15
KOBIDO® Nivel 1: Técnicas Básicas para la Zona T 16 ~ 30

Introduzione alle "Tecniche Kobido per la Zona-T"

Técnica 16: Cepillado-Sauce Llorón Rodante Sobre el Mentón

Técnica 17: Soporte-V Contra el Labio Inferior

Técnica 18: Masaje-Pluma por Encima de los Labios
🇪🇸 Nivel 1: Técnicas Básicas para la Zona T: Técnicas 16 ~ 30
KOBIDO® Nivel 1: Cómo Combinar Todas las Técnicas del Nivel 1

Introducción a "Cómo Combinar las Técnicas de Nivel 1"

Conexión 1: Cómo Combinar las Técnicas de la 1 a la 5

Conexión 2: Cómo Combinar las Técnicas 4, 5 y 8